Sunday, September 23, 2012


While cleaning my apartment I found some things I never posted, so here they are:

my first cameo

 Olympic Pajamas

 Nude silhouette 
Fun fact: this one was an early version of Chubby Grim Reaper
which none of you have seen because she was a going away
present for Michelle, just imagine this figure in black
with a scythe in her raised hand and a skull at her feet

Friday, June 22, 2012

Big Words

Last month I wrote and read a monologue as part of Big Words (I forgot to post it until today):
Follow the link and see a god awful picture of me and read an excerpt of my monologue, Plus less bad pictures of and monologues by other people.

Gift Wrapping (never buy it)

Late Father's Day/slightly less late birthday present for my dad.
I decorated this 9" x 12" envelope (the quarter is for scale) in reference to A Letter to Amy by Ezra Jack Keats which my dad read to me about a thousand times when I was little.

You can see the letter and the dog who I put on the stamp in the hopes that my dad will get the reference (he won't but he'll love it when I explain it to him)

Shape Collages

Dana subscribes to Shape Magazine and sometimes I hack it up and make terrifying chimeras. 

These are they. (The previous sentence is a Venture Brothers Reference)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Altar update... again.

1. Wine box from France
2. blank CD
3. white taper candle, from the drawer in the kitchen
4. tiny trunk from the Tibetan store on Bedford. Containing:
a. white glove from Dana's grandparents (right)
b. balls of black and white yarn from old projects
c. tiny skeleton dog from Mexico
5. Night Circus inspired art. Made of:
a. olive jar
b. rocks from fish tank
c. black and white papers
d. scrap of black fabric
6. white glove from Dana's grandparents (left)
7. Crow chocolate box from Boston
8. matchbox from the previous tenants
9. lava rocks from Iceland
10. tiny mortar and pestle
11. dried rose petals
12. international coins.