Friday, April 15, 2011


These are the ones that didn't really fit into the other categories.

It'll be the last of the construction paper posts for a while.

Creepy baby.

Skeptical sweater dog.

Sweater dog with an agenda.

The kids...

These are the kids. They've got Gorey's fingerprints all over them. But they're mine.

Moping in limbo.

A friendly game of croquet.

Jogging with retro headphones.

Pissed off and vaguely nautical.

Sneaky in short pants.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

More Construction Paper

The Ladies:

The Red Lady
somehow she never got feet... sad.

The Yellow Lady
She has kind of a Victorian/Sixties Sailor Scout vibe, right?

There used to be Blue Lady but she was tragically lost in the mail.
RIP in the dead letter office, Blue Lady.

Year-old Monsters of Varying Quality

So the thing about construction paper is that it fades, I made these over a year ago and I'm scanning them before they cese to exist. These are the monsters.
I get into your head...

Lame Hydra

sorry, there's no explaining this

Oh... I like him. I think I'll call him Gerald.

Goddess of the Hunt Reforms!

More from the world of photo-collage... I wanted it to be more newspapery than this but that's not how it worked out.